(PROFIT AND LOSS (लाभ और हानि)) PRACTICE ASSIGNMENT FOR BANKING PREPARATION 1. If I purchase 11 books in ` 100 and sell 10 books in ` 110, then how much profit percentage will I get on each book? (a) 10 (b) 11.5 (c) 17.3 (d) 21 1. यदि मैं '100 में 11 पुस्तकें खरीदता हूँ और 10 पुस्तकें '110 में बेच देता हूँ, तो मुझे प्रत्येक पुस्तक पर कितने प्रतिशत लाभ होगा? (a) 10 (b) 11.5 (c) 17.3 (d) 21 2.The ratio, in which tea of price Rs192 per kg is mixed with the tea of price Rs 150 per kg, so that there is a profit of 20% on selling the mixture at a price of Rs 194.40. (a) 2 : 5 (b) 3 : 5 (c) 5 : 3...
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