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Showing posts from February, 2015
(PROFIT AND LOSS  (लाभ और हानि)) PRACTICE ASSIGNMENT FOR BANKING PREPARATION 1.    If I purchase 11 books in ` 100 and sell 10 books in ` 110, then how much profit percentage will I get on each book?     (a)    10    (b)    11.5   (c)    17.3    (d)    21 1. यदि मैं '100 में 11 पुस्तकें खरीदता हूँ और 10 पुस्तकें '110 में बेच देता हूँ, तो मुझे प्रत्येक पुस्तक पर कितने प्रतिशत लाभ होगा?     (a)    10    (b)    11.5   (c)    17.3    (d)    21 2.The ratio, in which tea of price Rs192 per kg is mixed with the tea of price Rs 150 per kg, so that there is a profit of 20% on selling the mixture at a price of   Rs 194.40.     (a)    2 : 5    (b)    3 : 5  (c)    5 : 3...


B.Com (H) BUSINESS STATISTICS SOLVED PAPER (Admissions of 2004 and onwards) Adverstisement   Class X Maths SA2 Sample Paper 1 for 2015 Exams   Class X Maths SA2 Sample Paper 2 for 2015 Exams To Purchase Sample papers of Hindi/Maths/Science for Class X Call at 8860061553 2.    The arithmetic means of two observations is 127.5 and their geometric mean is 60. Find the two observations. Also compute the harmonic mean of two observations.


Upcoming: B COM (HONS)  I PAPER IV- BUSINESS STATISTICS  Sample Paper with answers Keep Checking Adverstisement   Class X Maths SA2 Sample Paper 1 for 2015 Exams   Class X Maths SA2 Sample Paper 2 for 2015 Exams To Purchase Sample papers of Hindi/Maths/Science for Class X Call at 9873786724 I.    Random experiments and sample space     First we definite ‘experiements’. Experiment means an operation which can produce some well definite outcomes. There are two types of experiments —     (a)     Deterministic experiments     (b)    Probabilistic experiment or random experiments. (a)    Deterministic experiments : Such experiments which when repeated under identical conditions product the same result/outcome are known as deterministic experiments. Example — Experiments related with scientific or engineering facts. (b)    Probabilistic...

कक्षा 10 SA2 की परीक्षा के लिए त्रिकोणमिति की कुछ महत्वपूर्ण टिप्स

कक्षा 10 SA2 की परीक्षा के लिए त्रिकोणमिति की कुछ महत्वपूर्ण टिप्स इस अध्याय में आप दो प्रकार के स्थितियों को देखेंगे।   स्थिति 1:              यहाँ बिंदु R दृश्य बिंदु है, PQ वस्तु है तथा  q ,  PQ के शीर्ष का उन्नयन कोण है।      स्थिति 2:                  यहाँ वस्तु R पर होती है, तथा अन्वेषक PQ के शीर्ष पर उपस्थित होता है अर्थात, P पर और a अवनमन कोण होता है।  महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु यह है कि  a = q (एकांतर कोण) याद रखिये : • उन्नयन और अवनमन कोण वस्तु और अन्वेषक के मध्य दूरी बढ़ने के साथ घटते हैं। • यदि आप एक चट्टान की चोटी, जो किसी बिल्डिंग से ऊँची है, पर खड़े होकर उस बिल्डिंग को देखते ...

Trigonometry Tips For Class X SA2 Exam 2015

Some applications of trigonometry and their uses In this chapter you come across two cases Case 1:              Here R is point of sight, PQ is object and q is angle of elevation  of  top of PQ. Case 2:                  Here object is at R, and observer is standing at top of PQ i.e., at P and a is angle of depression. Important point is that a = q (Alternate opposite angles) KEEP REMEMBER: • Angle of elevation or depression decreases as the distance between object and observer increases. • In case you are watching a building from t...

Class 10 Maths Exam Help

To solve a quadratic equation use Factorisation method For example: 3x .2 – 10x – 13 = 0  3x .2 – 13x + 3x – 13 = 0.  Here –10x = –13x + 3x because (3) × (–13) = –39 which is same as the multiplication of coefficient of  x .2  (i.e., 3)and constant (i.e., –13).        x(3x-13)+1(3x-13)=0    (3x-13)(x+1)=0 Hence ,            For finding roots ( a , b ) of quadratic equation ax .2 + bx + c = 0 Use the following formula,                                   ...