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Showing posts from April, 2015

Application of Derivatives

Solved Examples of Application of Derivatives  


Put a tick mark(√) on the correct answer : Q1.What the point of intersection of the medians of a triangle   called ? (i)   circum center             (ii) In center          (iii) centroid                  (iv) ortho center Q2.What the point of intersection of the altitudes of a triangle   called ? (i)   circum center             (ii) In center          (iii) centroid                  (iv) ortho center Q3.What the point of intersection of the side bisectors of a triangle   called ? (i)   circum center              (ii) In center ...

Practice Questions of Differentiation for JEE Mains

Cube and Cube roots

 Practice Questions 1- 10 3 का तात्पर्य हैं -     (A) 10 का घन    (B) 10 का घनमूल  (C) 10 का वर्ग    (D) 10 का वर्गमूल 2- संख्या 243 का घनमूल करने पर प्राप्त संख्या का इकाई का अंक होगा -     (A)    3    (B)    7   (C)    5    (D)    9 3-  किसी संख्या का घनमूल ज्ञात करने के लिए अभाज्य गुणनखंड लेते है -      (A)  त्रिक समूह में   (B)  युग्म रूप में  (C)  a व  b दोनों  (D)  कोई नहीं 4-  220 तक कितनी संख्याएं पूर्ण घन है -      (A)  5    (B)  6    (C)  15    (D) 100 5-  पूर्ण घन कौन सा है -     (A)    392    (B)    2744  (C)    106480    (D)    53240 6-  क...

Practice Questions on Quadratic Equations

Sets, Relations and Functions

Practice Questions 1.  Which of the following is set     (a)    Collection of beautiful girls of Delhi     (b)    Numbers divisible by 3 between 1 and 20     (c)    Collection of handsome boys in a class     (d)    Collection of most precious gems of India 2. Set A = {4, 10, 12, 16, 20}, set builder form is     (a)    {x : x is even number less than 2}     (b)    {x : x is natural number multiple of 4 and less than 2}     (c)    {x : x is odd natural number greater than 3}     (d)    {x : x is odd natural number less than 3} 3. A set which contains number of elements which can not be counted is     (a)    Empty set    (b)    finite set    (c)    Singlt...

Word Problems for Quantitative Aptitude Section of BANK PO/SSC/Other Exams

1.    The difference between a two digit number.and the number obtained by interchanging the two digits of the number is 9. What is the difference between the two digits of the number?     (1)    3       (2)    2     (3)    1     (4)    Cannot be determined     (5)    None of these Ans. (3) 2.    In a class there are 32 boys and 28 girls. The average age of the boys in the class is 14 years and the average age of the girls in the class is 13 years. What is the average age of the whole class ? (Rounded off to two digits after decimal)     (1)    13.50       (2)    13.53     (3)    12.51      (4)    13.42     (5)    None of these A...